“Beating Covid Fatigue”

We all have high hopes of escaping the wrath of 2020 and get that fresh, new start we deserve. I will continue to think positive and lean on the fact, we will come out of this difficult time. As we are still in the thick of it, we can hold on to that glimmer of HOPE that is in our future. In the meantime, how do we continue to live with all the unknowns and deal with the dreaded “F” word? F.A.T.I.G.U.E

Let’s Face It! We are all exhausted. And it’s taking a toll on our mind, body, and soul. We also may not be making sound decisions for ourselves and our health right now. Maybe feeling a bit defeated? This is a normal feeling considering what we our going through. We need to embrace that and accept it. Find the inner motivation to put our health first so we don’t allow the fear and fatigue to completely take over. Taste the power from within to start making the changes. We have the New Year to help propel us in the right direction – let’s say a new approach. The wind in your sails… Simply stated – YOU GOT THIS! BELIEVE!

My suggestion is to start applying the below into your daily life. You will feel the difference and for the better! Need help making it happen, simply reply back to this email and I will help guide you.

Tips for Beating Covid Fatigue:

  1. Move That Bod – regular movement/exercise is a natural mood booster. When we exert energy with exercise, we gain more energy. Our bodies get flooded with those happy hormones. We also become more productive because of said energy. The boost in mood is the icing on the cake.
  2. Get outside for at least 20 minutes a day. I get it – for most of us – it’s pretty freakin’ cold out! One silver lining, Covid helps you appreciate the things you thought you didn’t like. Ha! For me, that’s the cold. I have a whole new, found appreciation for being outside in the cold. Once I am in it, I take in the gift of fresh air, the sunshine (if so fortunate to get it) and the amazing sky views. I also read a long time ago how being outside walking and looking at the horizon in front of you can be more impactful than taking an anti-depressant. Being outside can be pretty darn powerful to nourishing your soul!
  3. Like mom says (and your health coach), eat your veggies and fruit. And it’s so true – you are what you eat. It does dramatically affect your overall vitality. Gravitate towards those whole foods – packed with nutrients. You will have more energy and just simply feel better. Chip snacker? Try the rainbow carrot chips – they are cut like flat crinkle cut fries. Dip them in some hummus and you have a winner of a snack! Choose healthy foods more often and you will start to crave them!
  4. Stick to a Schedule. We as humans thrive best when on a set schedule. I feel you and know it’s hard for many. Some are getting more sleep than usual, and others are getting significantly less sleep. Committing to a set schedule will help provide the foundation for your circadian rhythm to be set which will offer so many health benefits.
  5. Celebrate All You Do Get Done in a Day Rather Than What Didn’t Get Done. This is my new approach! I have been working on this mantra for a bit now. I used to get stuck on all the things I couldn’t get done in a day. Not healthy! I now always look back and list out all I did get done and celebrate those accomplishments. Makes for a much better outcome along with significantly reducing pressure, stress, and anxiety. Give yourself more credit!
  6. Do What You Love! Self-care is more important than ever before. Another one I have been working on and so should YOU! Take care of you, and you will be able to take care of everyone else around you so much better! Perhaps start with simple breathing techniques – walking away from a task for a bit – and do something you love – even it it’s only 5 minutes. You will be in a better place when you go back to that task.
  7. Don’t skip your annual physical. This is not the time to skip that annual doctor’s appointment. Many people are missing their annual check-ups. You should still be seeing your doctor so that nothing goes undetected. If your chronic fatigue is getting to be too much, impacting your relationships, work, overall happiness, please reach out to your doctor right away.

I BELIEVE in you!

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    • The AUTO Friendly Method – Solving Inflammation8 Week Online Course – Stop Suffering with Inflammation and learn to eat the Anti-Inflammatory Way. All with the added benefit of shedding some weight, gaining more energy, and getting a thriving life back!
      *Projected Launch: Mid-January 2021
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      *Projected Launch Timeframe: Winter/Spring 2021

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Cheers To Your Health,

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