Measuring the overall effectiveness of workplace wellness is tricky to gauge. Yet when you look at the benefits listed below it definitely seems to offer many positive outcomes. I recently did two workplace wellness events and had overwhelming favorable feedback.

The first event I did was a Smoothie Wellness employee appreciation. This was in concurrence with the company running biometric screenings in a different part of the building. The staff had the screening done and then headed down to the café for their healthy smoothies. I blended 25 green superfood smoothies and 25 blueberry coconut smoothies. They were certainly a mood booster for the afternoon! It was a very positive work environment – employees spoke very positively about the company and their positions. They also were extremely professional yet super comfortable with their peers. Loved the overall company vibe! Everyone was genuinely happy to have the smoothies as part of their workday and were very appreciative – and some even trying to sneak a 2nd one when no one was looking. I am excited for my next smoothie event – scheduled for mid-March – will be green smoothies for St. Patrick’s Day.

The following day, I went into a different company for a Heart Health Wellness Workshop. It was actually 2 workshops – same content for each but different shifts of employees for each presentation. My power point presentation started off with the importance of health, my health story and then statistics of heart health disease and death in this country. I spoke about risk factors, signs, genetic testing, recommended lifestyle changes (including diet, exercise, stress reduction, sleep consistency, etc.). The employees were very engaged during the presentation – and we addressed many questions they had. They loved the information and have individually reached out to further their knowledge. Many left the presentation inspired and motivated to take-action with their health.

Benefits of Wellness Programs In the Workplace

  1. Happier and more productive employees. A happy work environment is a productive work environment. When bringing in healthy concepts of putting “you” first, exudes a positive atmosphere. In turn, this lays the foundation for more employee productivity.
  2. Employee retention has so many benefits to an organization. Helps keep propelling a business forward without having to recruit, hire and train new staff.
  3. Decrease absenteeism – a healthier team of employees means less sick time taken. Also having a positive, healthy work environment motivates people to go to work because they truly enjoy being there.
  4. Overall improved employee health behavior definitely can rub off on those around them. Many will want to follow suit with adopting these healthy habits especially if they see others getting true results.
  5. Lower healthcare costs can be an overall goal for a company introducing an Employee Wellness Program. According to a study done measuring employee health improvement in 7 health risk categories showed very favorable results. This presented a reduction in 5 of the 7 categories. Health risk levels improved and was greater than the total that worsened.


Where does the trend need to go? Long term health management through lasting lifestyle changes seems to be the biggest hurdle. Many wellness programs are leaving out the long-term result of permanent habit changes. Making the connection between why someone wants to be healthy in the first place, anchoring down those reasons (unique & personal to each individual) and then continuing along the healthy lifestyle path. Ongoing coaching is key along with accountability.

I really enjoyed going into both workplaces and talking about my passion – HEALTH. It really is everything! I am excited about future collaborations with more organizations looking to take this proactive step for their company.

If anything, think about why you want to be healthy and the driving force to help you stay on track. Own it and START SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF. Your future self will thank you!

Check out my recipes here – the list will continue to grow.

NEW FEATURE: Several recipes now include short instructional videos.

How is YOUR health? If you still aren’t sure where to start, schedule a time to talk with me.
Let me help you stay on track and meet your goals this 2020!
Visit to get started and schedule a consultation today!

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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