I have been loving my last two weekend visits to the West Chester Grower’s Market. And it’s been so much fun to experience them with my clients. So many awesome options to choose from and such a huge variety. My food knowledge continues to grow and there are certainly some produce out there that I never heard of or tried. Exploring all of these new foods are what add to the joy!

Before heading to the Market, I had shopped one of our local stores and picked up a spaghetti squash – at my daughter’s request. I have struggled in the past with how to prepare this. Typically, I have done it with marinara sauce or a Bolognese sauce. I wanted something different this go around.

So off to the Grower’s Market I went – to help inspire some meal ideas. They have an awesome meat vendor who specializes in homemade sausage. After talking ingredients with him – the chicken sausage (with sundried tomato and basil) was my best option – so I picked up a pound of it.

They also had a wonderful organic produce stand, so I picked up some Black Magic kale and some Baby Bok Choy bunches. Love Baby Bok Choy!

Since we are close to Kennett Square – mushroom capitol – there was a mushroom vendor and I have noticed, there is always a line for them. So many varieties to choose from. I chose the baby portabella’s – they looked so plump and beautiful!

With my purchases, I was inspired to try this Spaghetti Squash – Chicken Sausage – Veggie Sauté. And let’s just say, the flavor level was certainly heightened by all of these fresh, locally sourced foods. Even my son tried the spaghetti squash for the first time, and HE LIKED IT. He said it tasted sweet – and that was from the basil added to the cavity while roasting. Creating new dishes for my family to enjoy definitely puts me in my happy place!

There are several steps to this recipe, but it was still simple to prepare and the flavor along with uniqueness is definitely worth the extra few steps. I highly recommend giving this one a try!

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Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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