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It’s been REAL this past week. Some of my symptoms started creeping in and I wanted to share the reality of what it’s like living with this invisible disease.

 My week was filled with extreme fatigue, brain fog and headaches. Thankfully, my sleep was surprisingly good – likely due to the fatigue and my body needing the proper rest. My optic neuritis continues to be a nuisance, but it is manageable. Staying positive, eating nutrient dense foods and exercising consistently are the key factors in bouncing back.

So many Americans, about 50 million (to give you a better picture) have some sort of autoimmune disease. Sadly, this number has been growing at a rapid rate. Some examples of autoimmune disease include: Lupus | Hashimoto’s | Type 1 Diabetes | Celiac | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Psoriasis | Alopecia | Multiple Sclerosis | Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome | Allergic Asthma.  This names just a few of them.

Common symptoms across many autoimmune diseases include fatigue, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, joint & muscle pain, tingling and numbness in hands & feet. This can initially make it difficult to pin down and initially diagnose.

 What is autoimmune disease? In simple terms, it is when the immune system starts attacking your own body’s tissues. It is suspected that there are certain triggers that activate autoimmune disease from an environmental influence. Some examples include infections, certain foods (such as gluten), toxins from certain drugs, hair dyes, chemicals in the workplace.

Those that are most predisposed to an autoimmune diagnosis either have the genetics (family history of parents having a type of AID) and/or other outside environmental factors as listed above.

I will share my personal example. My father had Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome (blood clotting factor) and Type 1 Diabetes. The Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis was secondary to his first autoimmune diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at 28 years old. Both my children have asthma and our daughter has a tree nut allergy. Unfortunately, we are now suspecting she may have a sensitivity to wheat. To be determined still! So, as you can see – we are 3 generations in at this point. My father also questioned the idea of his mom having Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome as she exhibited many symptoms including several strokes. She passed away at a young age – in her 40’s. They did not know as much back then, as we do today about auto-immune diseases. But this could be 4 generations of AID.

I call Multiple Sclerosis and many autoimmune diseases “The Disease You Can’t See”. Simply said, the patient exhibits many symptoms that are internal – not seen to others. We tend to get the, “well you look healthy and look good” comments but you can’t physically see all those symptoms we are encountering internally.

Do you suspect you may have an autoimmune condition? If so, here are some recommendations to start with immediately:

  1. Consult with your physician.
  2. Identify and address any possible food allergies. Common food allergies include – wheat, dairy, corn, soy, fish (shellfish), nuts and some fruits.
  3. Eliminate trans fats completely from your diet.
  4. Do consume good fats such as olive oil, fish oil and avocado.
  5. Rest & listen to your body.
  6. Get the support of family and loved ones.
  7. Stay positive and have hope!


What is holding you back from getting healthy? Is it all too overwhelming with the current climate of this crisis? My coaching advice to you – “Take it one day at a time”. As we are experiencing this crisis right now, your health is everything and without it, we have nothing.

Next Facebook Live is this Friday, May 8th. Topic being crafted and excited to share with you all!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Click Link Below for Free Coaching Video Series:

  1. Managing Stress During Coronavirus Pandemic
  2. How to Minimize Sugar And Improve Energy
  3. How to Boost Your Immune System & Combat Coronavirus
  4. Tips For Better Quality Sleep
  5. Beating Your Inner Resistance – Habit Change
  6. Reality of MS & Autoimmune Disease Updates:

  • You can now save your “go to” recipes as FAVORITES. Easier to find!
  • Coming Soon:
    • Interactive Group Forum – Discuss varied topics including tips on removing inflammation, weight loss, gaining energy and much more!
      • Projected Launch Timeframe: Late May 2020
    • My First Ever Online Program8 Week Program – Stop Suffering with Inflammation and learn to eat the Anti-Inflammatory Way. All with the added benefit of shedding some weight, gaining more energy and getting a thriving life back!
      • Projected Launch Timeframe: June 2020

Oh, My Health, There Is Hope – is a book with many wonderful and inspiring stories about how people have taken their own personal health crisis and turned it into a positive. And “Yours Truly” is a co-author!!! Read it as a means of inspiration and direction in this challenging time we are all living in. Let the stories inspire you to make a difference in other’s lives because there is HOPE.

Click here for the Amazon Link and get your copy today.

If anything, think about why you want to be healthy and the driving force to help you stay on track. Own it and START SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF. Your future self will thank you!


Check out my recipes here – the list will continue to grow.

NEW FEATURE: Several recipes now include short instructional videos.

How is YOUR health? If you still aren’t sure where to start, schedule a time to talk with me.
Let me help you stay on track and meet your goals this 2020!
Visit to get started and schedule a consultation today!

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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