This is the title of my newest book and I never thought I would be referencing this book title to talk about a health crisis occurring in our country and our world for that matter. But here we are in a state of quarantine and where I live, a “Stay At Home” order has been put into place by our governor. So, what now? How do we move forward? I will tell you… it involves that little word called “HOPE”.

Having hope is what will carry us through this journey – this major life-changing experience that will forever impact us. We now have a totally new sense of the words and concepts of sanitizing, self-distancing, home schooling and quarantine. We are all in this together – experiencing it on different levels. For many of us, we are home – kind of on lock-down with our families. We are scared, worried about our family contracting the virus and stressing about our kid’s education being turned completely upside down.

But what about the others being directly impacted? The ones that are dealing with the virus hands-on – fighting for their life or caring for a loved one struggling with the disease. How about our amazing nurses, doctors, grocery workers and nursing home staff – that are treating patients and providing the best possible care with all the challenges in front of them? Ever think about the reporters having to be the face of the crisis, constantly updating the country on the new cases and death tolls? At least we have the convenience of shutting off the news for a few hours, they are living in it every second of every day. It has to take a toll on their souls. And then there are our amazing teachers and administrators doing everything in their power to pull together a new way of teaching in the matter of days. How fortunate are we to have such caring and compassionate people leading and teaching our children? And imagine for just one minute what it takes to put all of this together. From the doctors to the educators to the truck drivers bringing our food to the local markets. So many people to be thankful for – and to really have our eyes wide open to see how vital their roles are to each and every one of us!

So many people are losing their jobs – we are a country living paycheck to paycheck. The stress is intolerable and the reality of it all has shaken us to the core. All Americans are feeling stressed and challenged on so many levels. You figure in a matter of weeks we went from a thriving economy to an obscene amount of jobs being lost, business shut down and now with thousands upon thousands contracting this awful disease and now so sadly, the ultimate sacrifice.

Then we have those that do not believe in implementing or complying with social distancing. This is a major problem and will only contribute to the spread of this disease. We as humans, need to come to our senses and do what’s best for our fellow neighbors, our families and our loved ones. We have never been so fortunate with having the ability to FaceTime, Zoom or whatever portal you desire for virtual communication. We need to start counting our blessings for all that we have in our lives and I am not talking about the material items. I am talking about having each other, going back to basics and simple living. Take this time to do some real life reflecting, take in the time for gratitude and ground yourself into that simple life space. We can approach this as a reset, new perspective on life and how we plan on carrying out the rest of our days here. There will come a day when we look back on this experience and say, “remember the coronavirus, remember when we couldn’t leave the house, remember how that was the experience that changed me for the better and has provided a whole new outlook on life?”

It may be easier said than done, but we need to really hold onto that word – “HOPE”. We need to believe that we will get through this and that it will make us better people for it.

Oh, My Health, There Is Hope – is a book with many wonderful and inspiring stories about how people have taken their own personal health crisis and turned it into a positive. Read it as a means of inspiration and direction in this challenging time we are all living in. Let the stories inspire you to make a difference in other’s lives because there is HOPE.

Click here for the Kindle version. ​​At $0.99, it’s a no brainer!

If anything, think about why you want to be healthy and the driving force to help you stay on track. Own it and START SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF. Your future self will thank you!

Check out my recipes here – the list will continue to grow.

NEW FEATURE: Several recipes now include short instructional videos.

How is YOUR health? If you still aren’t sure where to start, schedule a time to talk with me.
Let me help you stay on track and meet your goals this 2020!
Visit to get started and schedule a consultation today!

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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