Giving Permission To Yourself – Seems Simple, Right? Think Again!

The holidays are behind us and now we embark on a brand-new year – here we are 2020! So, what exactly is this giving permission to yourself thing all about? Maybe you can relate to what I am about to say or maybe you think I am on the crazy train. Hear me out on this.

I don’t allow myself to do certain things. I won’t take a walk because I have to pay bills. I won’t head out during my lunch break – just in case an email comes in and I need to jump on it. I won’t treat myself to a massage because I should be taking the kids to their next event. I don’t take the time to get a manicure or pedicure because I shouldn’t be spending the money. I won’t get a strength training workout in because I need to clean the house. See a trend here? No one is telling me I can’t do these things – it’s just me getting inside my own head – plain and simple. I do it to myself.

How do we break free from this cycle? I had a “coming to grace moment” and decided it’s time for some changes. I am coaching others on putting themselves first, yet I am failing to apply it to my own life. In mid-December, my husband added the kids and I to his YMCA membership. I didn’t go at all in December. Major fail! The excuses ran from – have to shop for gifts, have to wrap the gifts, have to prep the holiday menu, have to bake the cookies, have to work, blah, blah, blah.

Confession – I really struggle with just simple relaxation. I have this inner drive to keep on going like the energizer bunny from the moment my feet hit the ground in the morning until they are back under the covers for bed again at night. And my family is emphatically shaking their heads in agreement on this. Yes, I drive them nuts. I quite honestly drive myself nuts. So much that I can’t truly relax. I rarely sit down to watch television or a movie. And I know it’s gotten worse as I have gotten older. I am finally putting steps into place for giving permission to myself – to put “me” first.

Changes are happening! I have now made it to the Y and now getting cardio and strength training workouts in. I went to the movies with my family to see the latest Star Wars movie. And now I am relaxing with our son at night getting caught up on the Mandalorian TV show (another Star Wars theme here). Guilty pleasure of liking the action sci-fi and super-hero shows/films. I also have stayed consistent with outdoor walking – our dog motivates me to get out there even in the cold months. This is huge for me! I try and get out every day.

A lot of us moms put so much pressure on ourselves to do too much and don’t build in any unwind time or self-care. I think we feel guilty for doing that, that we should always be putting the kids, our spouses and everything else first. We also have a hard time with letting certain things slide – let the laundry go an extra day or two, allowing the occasional night of take-out, letting the clutter pile up just a bit. It’s all ok! When we die – no one is going to say – wow, that Christi really kept the house spic and span keeping on top of the laundry, cooking every night. What a difference she made – LOL. I think you get my point – bottom line – it’s just not that important. Having the memories of family down time, taking in the moment – that’s what truly matters. I am super excited for this shift. My family will be singing hallelujah – it’s about time!

One of the many wonderful benefits of becoming a Health Coach is that I have been opened up to so many new ways of approaching life – including food, movement, mindfulness, sleep quality and self-care. I am still a work in progress as a person and Health Coach to myself – plenty of room for improvement. And it all has been so incredibly helpful in becoming the best version of myself.

If you still aren’t sure where to start, schedule a time to talk with me.

Let me help you stay on track and meet your goals this 2020!

Visit to get started and schedule a consultation today!

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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