As far as we humans know up to this point, we get one shot at this life. And we better damn well enjoy and make the most of it while we are here. Making this all come together can be considered a juggling act. What’s to juggle? A heck of a lot!

  • Family Life
  • Work Life
  • Staying ahead of your Health
  • Enjoying the Moment
  • Connecting with your Spirituality
  • Maintaining & Keeping a Roof over your Family’s Head
  • Eating Healthy
  • Getting your Preferred Movement/Activity/Exercise
  • Managing Sleep
  • Managing your kids Sleep (tricky one!)
  • Being Content/Happy/Fulfilled
  • Nurturing Yourself
  • And the list goes on and on…

We are simply doing the best we can to have a complete and fulfilled life. Being healthy, plays a major role in this life process. In saying that, I play the 85/15 rule. Sometimes it’s 90/10 but I find more balance at 85/15 while others feel more content with 80/20. Do keep in mind, I am on the tighter end of this because of Multiple Sclerosis. It’s a must for me to stay on course with healthy eating the majority of the time. Otherwise, I am like a sinking ship – and it’s much harder for me to get back to the surface again.

What is this rule I am talking about? It’s being healthy by balancing sound nutrition while also allowing some unhealthy foods into your diet. 85-90% of the time I eat extremely healthy. 10-15% of the time, I go off course and allow the indulgences to happen. There are certain times of the year – holiday’s / birthday’s / special occasions where I will go off plan – not completely of course. I have discovered the right balance for when I do this to get back on track.

Honestly, the main driver for getting me back on track usually has to do with the fact, poor eating makes me feel horrible. It sucks the life out of me – makes me fatigued, unable to focus/concentrate, the mental fog settles in and it also negatively effects my sleep quality. I treasure my sleep and really detest a bad night’s sleep. PLEASE don’t mess with my sleep!

Circling back to my opening – we are human, and we have certain cravings and foods that provide us comfort at times. I would never have anyone completely deprive themselves of their favorite foods. That is just opening the door to double self-sabotage undoing someone’s hard work. I am a believer in small indulgences on occasions to still LIVE your life and enjoy without going overboard.

The most important component is to find your way back to the HEALTHY PLACE and not losing touch with it. It’s about taking in the moment, enjoying that deliciously, scrumptious treat and truly wanting to get back to your HEALTHY ZONE. It is unhealthy to not allow yourself those little indulgences from time to time. You know you are on the road to lifelong health success when you can go from having those treats and then getting back on course with your healthy life again. This is the point where MOST people get stuck. If they derail just once, it starts to spiral with one justification after another. It doesn’t have to end up that way if you start believing in yourself and identify the reasons WHY you want to be healthy in the first place. Hint, hint – maybe it’s on that list I made in the beginning of this blog. Maybe it runs deeper. But it’s definitely something to think about!

My indulgent weekend, for my birthday consisted of homemade banana Bundt bread and chocolate cupcakes. The banana bread recipe is on my site and the cupcakes are coming soon.

And yes, I enjoyed every little morsel and now back on track and in my HEALTHY PLACE again. 😊

Check out my recipes here – the list will continue to grow.

NEW FEATURE: Several recipes now include short instructional videos.

How is YOUR health? If you still aren’t sure where to start, schedule a time to talk with me.

Let me help you stay on track and meet your goals this 2020!

Visit to get started and schedule a consultation today!

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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