How the nation and our lives have changed in just one week is pretty darn astonishing. One week ago, the kids were in school, I was just getting back from the beach (women’s business event), our son had his swim banquet at the country club and our daughter was going for PT. Now one week later, we are in a state of social distancing (many are quarantined) – online schooling has started, my husband is working from home, and so many in this great country have contracted or have been exposed to the Coronavirus.

Anxiety levels are at an all-time high for many legitimate reasons. I have to admit, I have hit my peak with it all as well. This is something no one in our lifetime has experienced before. It’s overwhelming to say the least and we are just in the beginning stages. I don’t want to focus on the doom and gloom and the “what if’s”. It really is not going to make our situation any better. We need to start focusing on the good that can potentially come out of this experience. Push aside the negative thoughts and really tune in to how we can start making a difference for ourselves and others. There are so many needing help right now. From those who have fallen ill, are caregiving for the ill, no employment due to shutdowns, dual working parents adjusting to remote workplaces juggling their children’s homeschooling, and the list goes on.

Here are some positive ways people are helping to make a difference:

  • Thank you emails from businesses coming through – thanking people for not cancelling memberships and sticking by their side during this difficult time.
  • Donating to businesses to help them to stay in business.
  • Neighbors helping with childcare while parents are working.
  • Buying gift certificates to restaurants and other businesses – to help offset having to temporarily close their doors.
  • Being more kind, thoughtful, considerate and just neighborly. Our country may be dealing with a crisis, but we have responded with compassion and caring towards others. Seems this has been steadily declining in recent years so it’s a beautiful thing to witness coming back to life.

How to deal with social distancing/being quarantined at home and with your family. Ok, so we all love our family’s but sometimes too much time, can make us a little batty. Plus, the fact we need to be staying put in one place for this long a period, has its challenges. Here are some tips to keep yours and your family’s sanity. And don’t think that you are not annoying them as much as they are annoying you. 😊

  • Leave the news for the reporters. Definitely check in maybe 2 times a day but if you are constantly streaming the news, it’s going to cause issue for you. This is going to up the anxiety levels and it’s just not healthy to do. Stress knocks down your immune system. Imagine if you had to work in a news station and constantly hear all the statistics – moment to moment. Honestly, don’t know how they do it!
  • Exercise – YES!!! Even if you can’t get to the gym, you can still make this happen. Go for a run, walk, bike ride, jump rope, strength training – can be done with your own body weight. Think push-ups, triceps dips, lunges, squats, core exercises and the list goes on. Once this is over – think of all the healthy people that will be out there from all the exercise and nutrient dense eating they will be doing.
  • Explore in the kitchen – try new meals you always wanted to try but never had the time. And if it’s too hard because you are working during the week, you still will be home on the weekend. I find cooking to be so rewarding especially when it comes out really yummy.
  • Lean on your friends. Even if it’s via FaceTime or Skype – or 6 feet away, we are people and need people. And they need you! Keep communication flow going via electronic devices.
  • Now’s the time to binge that show, watch those trilogy’s and relax. Since our society is always functioning at Mach 10, we now have the opportunity to slow down and do those things we never have time to do.
  • Pick up that Hobby. Whether it’s painting, photography, sewing, starting your own blog or website – here is your chance to get it off the ground. Believe in yourself and you can do anything!
  • Quality time with your family is like gold. We never get time back, so get in those special moments together. Whether it’s doing a workout together, going for a walk and having great conversations, playing board games, movie night, finally enjoying daily dinners together – Your Time Is Now to make this happen.

 Actions I am taking to get through this challenging time.

  • 7-8 hours of sleep and sticking to a set schedule.
  • Exercise with family – getting workouts in with my daughter and walks with my husband and favorite child (Riley, our dog).
  • Driving instructional rides with our 16 year old son.
  • Outdoor walks – running into neighbors and friends I don’t normally get to see.
  • Trying new recipes – very excited about this and creating new recipes I have been wanting to try for quite some time. And when the kids are in the mood, having them help with the process. Best part!
  • Listen to our daughter play the guitar, ukulele and sing. So delightful and relaxing.
  • Reorganizing cabinets and spaces and PURGING. Totally getting my type “A” on in the best way.
  • Spring Cleaning – unfortunate that no guests will get to benefit from this but makes me happy to live in such a clean house.
  • Yard and garden upkeep. Since my husband will likely be reading this, I can not take credit for this as he has the green thumb. But I am really good at giving feedback!
  • Slowing down and taking in the moment. Appreciating all I have in my family, having a roof over our heads and a meal on the table.

Healthy Immune Boosting Habits & Eating Tips:

  • Sleep, 7-8 hours minimum.
  • Stress management via self-care and exercise.
  • Start your day with a warm lemon water (8-12 oz warm water w/ ½ squeezed lemon) – first thing to go in your body. Benefits include:
    • a nice dose of vitamin C
    • anti-inflammatory properties
    • helps fight respiratory tract infections
    • reduces joint & muscle pain
    • promotes weight loss / aids digestion
  • Eat fresh, organic whole foods.
  • Leafy greens and lots of fresh salads.
  • Colorful fruits such as blueberries, cherry’s, kiwi, bananas, strawberries, melons, etc.
  • Omega 3 foods such as nuts, salmon, flax seed and chia seeds to name a few.
  • Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, farro or millet.
  • Lean proteins – organic chicken, organic ground chicken/turkey/tuna/shrimp.
  • Reduce and eliminate added sugars. It causes inflammation and negatively effects your immune system.
  • Limit alcohol. Also plays into your immune system and knocks it down.
  • Eat clean and the cravings will diminish. Every client of mine has reaffirmed this statement!

Take comfort in knowing that we will get through this and become better people for it. We have been forced to slow down and with that comes being kinder, more considerate and compassionate towards one another. Look out for your neighbors, the elderly and those in need. They need you right now.
Wishing you a healthy, safe and sane quarantine.

If anything, think about why you want to be healthy and the driving force to help you stay on track. Own it and START SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF. Your future self will thank you!

Check out my recipes here – the list will continue to grow.

NEW FEATURE: Several recipes now include short instructional videos.

How is YOUR health? If you still aren’t sure where to start, schedule a time to talk with me.
Let me help you stay on track and meet your goals this 2020!
Visit to get started and schedule a consultation today!

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

  • WalterB

    Great topics and advice. Some I think I know, but great to have the refresh and some of it is totally new! The Lemon Juice and warm water routine seems to offer so much! An I can always travel with a lemon my the road….just add water(warm)…Thanks Christi!

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