Many people ask me that question – Why Organic? I can literally talk for hours about this topic. And I get it – the biggest objection I hear is – “it’s too expensive”. While yes, it’s going to cost you more in the pocketbook but in the long run, eating organic and cleaner will save you money regarding your long-term health. Don’t have time to read? That’s ok – click on the above video and tune in to the video. 😊

Let me begin with this concept – not everything you buy at the grocery store needs to be organic. That should be music to your wallet! Read on for why!

Each year, the EWG (Environmental Working Group) issues a list of the “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean Fifteen”. The Dirty Dozen is the top 12 produce that are likely to contain the highest amount of pesticides and herbicides. The Clean Fifteen list includes produce that have the least chemical exposure to these harmful pesticides and herbicides. Check out the links below for the official lists. YOU ARE WELCOME!

Link to 2020 Dirty Dozen:

Link to 2020 Clean Fifteen:

You may notice after checking out both lists – the Dirty Dozen includes more thin-skinned produce (like strawberries & spinach) while the Clean Fifteen has more thick-skinned items (like avocados & onions). Being mindful of this concept will help you tune in more when shopping at the store.

Now allow me to list out some of the many reasons and benefits of choosing organic foods:

  1. Eating organic is better for your HEALTH! You are getting higher nutrient (more nutrient dense quality) levels from organic foods. This about all that amazing vitamin C, iron, magnesium, protein, phosphorous, etc. No chemicals interfering with absorption. We need the highest level of nutrients to help boost our immune systems – especially right now!
  2. You have the power to protect future generations! Scary statistic but children today receive 4 times the exposure than an adult with at least 8 widely used cancer-causing pesticides in food. The food choices you are making for your children now will impact their health in the future.
  3. Organic farms help prevent soil erosion. Soil is the foundation of the food chain in organic farming. Conventional farming promotes soil erosion. Our American farms are suffering from the worst soil erosion in history.
  4. Protects Water Quality. The pesticides from conventional farming can contaminate our drinking water. The EPA estimates that pesticides contaminate the groundwater in 38 states. Yikes!
  5. Keeps Chemicals OFF Your Plate. The EPA considers 60% of all herbicides, 90% of all fungicides and 30% of all insecticides to be carcinogenic. Be aware that pesticides are POISONS designed to kill living organisms. In addition to potentially causing cancer, pesticides have been implicated in birth defects, nerve damage and genetic mutation.
  6. Protects Our Precious Farmers Health! Gosh – what would we do if we did not have our amazing farmers??? A National Cancer Institute study found that farmers exposed to herbicides had a 6 times greater risk than non-farmers of contracting cancer.
  7. Helps Small Farmers. It’s estimated that the United States has lost more than 650,000 family farms in the past decade. Organic farming could be one of the few survival tactics left for family farms.
  8. Promotes Biodiversity. Monocropping is the unnatural practice of planting the same single crop (typically corn, soybeans & wheat) on each of their respective plots – year after year. This sucks the quality of nutrients out of the soil over time – lacking in major minerals and nutrients.
  9. ORGANIC FOOD TASTES BETTER! Go to the store and buy traditional strawberries and organic ones. Do a taste test and report back. When in its most natural form, the overall quality and taste of organic crops are far more superior!

Tips on Saving Money When Shopping Organic:

  • Stick to the dirty dozen list for organic produce.
  • Shop around – there are some great, lower priced grocery stores available to most of us today.
    • Check out Aldi, LIDL, Wegman’s for some great, price friendly organic options.
  • Shop your local farm stands. Even though these local farms may not be officially certified organic, they likely do practice all the organic farming methods. Ask them!
  • Start your own garden!

To access some organic recipes and many more healthy, fast options – click below:

What is holding you back from getting healthy? Is it all too overwhelming with the current climate of this crisis? My coaching advice to you – “Take it one day at a time”. As we are experiencing this crisis right now, your health is everything and without it, we have nothing.

Click Link Below for Free Coaching Video Series:

  1. Managing Stress During Coronavirus Pandemic
  2. How to Minimize Sugar And Improve Energy
  3. How to Boost Your Immune System & Combat Coronavirus
  4. Tips For Better Quality Sleep
  5. Beating Your Inner Resistance – Habit Change
  6. Reality of MS & Autoimmune Disease
  7. The State of Our Mental Health During the Covid Crisis
  8. Prevalence of Food Sensitivity & Determining If You Have One
  9. Tips & Tricks to Quarantine Weight Loss
  10. Going Into A Corona Summer
  11. Water as Medicine
  12. Overcoming Typical Diet Challenges
  13. How to Experience A Healthy Summer
  14. Intermittent Fasting for Fighting Inflammation
  15. Why Organic? Updates:

  • Coming Soon:
    • Interactive Group Forum – Discuss varied topics including tips on removing inflammation, weight loss, gaining energy and much more!
      • Projected Launch Timeframe: August 2020
    • My First Ever Online Program8 Week Program – Stop Suffering with Inflammation and learn to eat the Anti-Inflammatory Way. All with the added benefit of shedding some weight, gaining more energy, and getting a thriving life back!
      • Projected Launch Timeframe: August 2020

Oh, My Health, There Is Hope – is a book with many wonderful and inspiring stories about how people have taken their own personal health crisis and turned it into a positive. And “Yours Truly” is a co-author!!! Read it as a means of inspiration and direction in this challenging time we are all living in. Let the stories inspire you to make a difference in other’s lives because there is HOPE.

Click here for the Amazon Link and get your copy today.

If anything, think about why you want to be healthy and the driving force to help you stay on track. Own it and START SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF. Your future self will thank you!


Check out my recipes here – the list will continue to grow.

How is YOUR health? If you still are not sure where to start, schedule a time to talk with me.
Let me help you stay on track and meet your goals and get in the best health of your life!

Visit to get started and schedule a consultation today!

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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