Well, let me tell you – an oven roasted chicken is one of the best things I ever tried. Why?

Not only is it super juicy, tender and delicious but it is also awesome for setting up your weekly meal plan. I love playing the “how many meals can I get out of one chicken” game. Here is how it usually plays out.

The first night, we will do sliced chicken with roasted broccoli and some healthy carb – such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice or millet. Night two turns into chicken noodle soup with a lovely salad and a slice of toasted whole grain bread (gluten free for me of course). Night 3 opens itself up to a glorious chicken and veggie pasta. If the chicken was big enough – other meal options include chicken over a leafy green salad or even a healthy batch of chicken salad.

The soup alone can stretch up to 4-6 servings and you can even portion and freeze what you don’t use. It’s the chicken that keeps on giving! Check out my video to see how simple it truly is and let me know when you give it a try! 

Click below to watch the video

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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