In life, we have many desirables – being healthy and fit always seems to be at the top of people’s lists. Think New Years Resolutions, wanting it for a summer ready body, an upcoming wedding, big high school or college reunion, etc. Yet even with the best of intentions, so many are unable to maintain this “healthy” lifestyle. I see this firsthand with my clients and I can completely relate to the struggle. I have been there and cycled through it myself.

If I had to get all psychobabble on you – I would say most are afraid of achieving their goals because they are simply afraid. Afraid of what? Afraid of achieving their goal and then getting derailed and looking like a failure. When we have the right drivers (or anchors as I like to call them) – it really makes a huge difference. Many can resonate more to their big MOFA – Motivating Factor – to help stay focused on “Why” they want to be healthy and stay there for good.

Examples of how this thought process cycles through the mind. – Is it worth starving myself, eating foods I really don’t enjoy just to be healthy? Life is too short to not enjoy what I am eating. It’s too hard and too time consuming. Let me just eat what I want – nothing is wrong with my health. It’s too overwhelming and stressful to make all of these changes.

Now allow me to debunk each reason for not putting your health first.

  1. First of all – there is no starving one’s self – so many fantastic healthy food options today – more than ever before. It just takes a little creativity and an open mind to the possibilities.
  2. You can indeed enjoy healthy foods – I have over 60 recipes on my website showing you how.
  3. Yes – life is short – but shouldn’t we be living it to our max potential – being our healthiest selves? Thriving with energy and feeling our best throughout this journey of life.
  4. The process of being healthy is actually pretty simple and I hear this from my clients – once they get in the mindset – it’s truly a life changer for them.
  5. Denying that something is not wrong with your health will only come back at a later date – being proactive and staying ahead of it is key!
  6. We tell ourselves it’s overwhelming and stressful because the human mind does not like change and that’s why small, incremental habit changes are instrumental to the process.

There are so many wonderful aspects of being American – those of us fortunate enough to live here are truly blessed with unlimited reasons. If I had to point out a downfall – it would be the way we approach food. And it’s not our fault. It’s a business – and each business needs to make money to keep going. Although most food company’s do not have your health in mind. We live in a society of too much – overflowing portions, processed foods riddled with sugar and fillers, vague and confusing marketing along with an overabundance of unhealthy fast food (while convenient options). We think that eating gluten free is healthy but still eating processed food versions that are filled with non-nutrient foods. And typically have a higher caloric number. Obesity statistics in the US are at an all-time high – ranging from 25% – 30% – 35% in some states. This is concerning for our children and we need to start educating them on nutrition, how to tune into their real hunger/fullness and eating more nutrient dense foods.

If you have been following me and reading my blogs – you know my motivating factor is my Multiple Sclerosis and going strong for 19 years with it. My thought process in managing and thriving with this disease includes: I don’t want to be a burden to my family if I start to decline – lack of mobility is a factor with this disease and I will do everything in my power to avoid that from happening. I want to live my healthiest version of this life and enjoy it while feeling great at the same time! My mission has been to stay ahead of this disease and so far, I am winning.

If anything, think about why you want to be healthy and the driving force to help you stay on track. Own it and START SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF. Your future self will thank you!

Check out my recipes here – the list will continue to grow.

NEW FEATURE: Several recipes now include short instructional videos.

How is YOUR health? If you still aren’t sure where to start, schedule a time to talk with me.
Let me help you stay on track and meet your goals this 2020!
Visit to get started and schedule a consultation today!

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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