Pumpkin Pie Dip

Quote of the Week: “My heart is so full as I am truly grateful & thankful for each of you.”

– Coach Christi

Well here we are, the week of Thanksgiving 2022. So much to be thankful for as we approach this holiday season. “Believe” has been my mantra from the beginning – it’s my word and driver to keep pursuing my passion. Thank you for believing in me and supporting my business. My mission is to help as many people as possible to uncover what it’s like to have thriving health. The power of food is very real!

Finding balance during this time of year can get tricky. There are many demands placed on our time and it can get overwhelming. The lack of time, can challenge your committment to the Anti-Inflammatory Way. Please give yourself some grace as no one is doing this perfectly. When you take care of you during this season, you will be a better version of you for your family & friends. Self-love touches all those that surround you.

This recipe is a great healthy dessert option that won’t derail your anti-inflammatory intentions. If you have an extra can of pumpkin puree this is a delicious and quick dessert to put out for last minute get togethers. Slice up some apples or other fruit and you are good to go!

Healthy wishes to you and your family this Thanksgiving!

Click here for the full “Pumpkin Pie Dip” recipe.

My mission is to make “The Anti-Inflammatory Way” incredibly easy for you to maintain and sustain for the long-term. Implementing these recipes will help you with getting one step closer to your health goals.

Your Clean Eating Health Coach!