From Run Down to Rejuvenated - January 2023 Reset!

Change the way you feel and look with a 21-day reset designed to help you get healthy on the inside and have more energy for the world.

After a stressful holiday season shopping, family gatherings and holiday parties, your body and mind might be feeling the strain.

While each of those things is wonderful, the season can lead to a build-up of toxins in your body that make it hard to function. You might start to notice weight gain and an overall sluggishness that’s hard to explain away.

You might even feel exhausted, tired, and just unable to live life the way you really want to!

Those toxins and their results, whether internal or external, are hard to ignore when they begin to chip away at your energy and health and set you up for a harsh  winter ahead.


BUT It’s not your fault…


→ Choosing the same types of food and drinks that have been part of your diet for years.

→ Neglecting your skincare routine each day.

→ Ignoring un-processed foods in favor of comfort items that contain plenty of toxins.

→ Depriving your body of food in an attempt to lose weight.

→ Skipping the signs that your health and energy are at risk.

woman stressed sitting at desk
What you've been trying isn't working...


woman eating healthy food
What you really need is...

→ A reduction in toxins in your environment and your diet.

→ A structured plan that helps guide you through food choices and routines focused on your health and energy.

→ Vitamins and minerals that support your body’s health and wellness.

→ Chances to express what’s in your soul and get your soul as healthy as your body.

→ Community and resources that support your journey in every way without dragging you down or setting you back.

And if you’re thinking there is no way you’re going to find all of that in one easy-to-follow program…

Let me tell you transform your habits!

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From Run Down to Rejuvenated – January  21 Day Reset


The best holistic approach to flushing toxins, preparing you for the next season, and helping you reclaim your confidence in just three weeks!

fall 2022 detox

So many areas of the body are affected by toxins, and no area is isolated from another. Once the toxins have settled in one area of your body, they begin to show themselves in other places and cause issues, whether it’s the way you feel or the way you look.


To help your body flush out those nasty toxins, this reset puts you on the right path to get your body back into excellent health in preparation for the next season of your life!


Removing all those toxins from your system takes time, but it can give you back your health, improve your skin tone, increase your immunity, and help you lose weight in a natural way…

healthy woman running

Increased Health

women with clear skin

Improved Skin Tone

woman posing with an orange

Stronger Immunity

woman measuring her waist

Weight Loss


And an Overall Improvement and Sense Of Balance To Your Health And Well-Being

So much of health and wellness isn’t focused on what’s happening inside your body but only on what you can see.

What if you focused on that internal health instead?

Dealing with the root cause of your health problems and toxins in your system starts at the core and works its way into a total body transformation.

These people did exactly that, and their results speak for themselves.

  • The dedication and passion that Christi has to help others create a healthier lifestyle for the long term future is second to none. She works with you every step of the way to narrow down your goals, develop an action plan and help you achieve success. She is there to celebrate each baby step and milestone during the journey. It is amazing how many small daily changes and adaptations I made not only in my nutrition, but in my everyday habits and environment that has made an impact in my success so far. Christi will provide you the tools necessary to reach your personal health and life goals for the long term!

    Paige O West Chester, PA
  • I've done two programs with Christi. She makes it fun and it's empowering to work on all her recommendations. She really practices what she preaches and I am inspired every time I talk with her. Can't wait for the next program!

    Mardee C. Wilmington, DE
  • Christi is the perfect health coach! She’s combined her own real life challenges, her passion for practicing and promoting healthy lifestyle choices, and her education, to make her an excellent well rounded resource for all things “health”! Christi educated me and provided me with the tools I needed to become more consistent with cleaner eating and healthier choices. She simplified things and guided me so that I did not get overwhelmed and give up. The changes Christi helped me make, not only lessen my MS symptoms...but help my mind feel clearer and my body healthier! Now who doesn’t want that? 😁

    Carol D. West Chester, PA
  • Christi hosted a live lunch and learn session on the topic of Heart Healthy Lifestyle at United Electric Supply in February.  Her presentation provided a wealth of information surrounding Heart Health to include eating a healthy diet, managing stress, exercise and getting quality sleep.  She also provided healthy recipes through a digital cookbook.  The feedback that I received from my employees was so positive!  I would absolutely recommend Christi for live presentations as well as a health coach!

    Jennifer K. United Electric Supply
  • This challenge was motivating! I felt so great after each one! And I loved how you kept us going and you're encouragement❤️❤️

    Kate D.
  • This challenge was just what I needed go get me moving! It held me accountable to do my workout daily. Simple yet effective moves with modifications available as needed. I am finally in a daily habit now of working out & miss it when I don’t get it done! Looking fwd to the next challenge!

    Nicole J.
  • This was huge for me. Accountability from this group and having support knowing others were “suffering” through it with me was key to getting it done everyday.

    Trish B.
  • I enjoyed the progression of the workout. The accountability helped me stay on track. I definitely feel stronger and notice a difference in the definition of my arms. Christi is so encouraging! Always positive and available.

    Lisa S.
  • This group provided the accountability and motivation for me to move my body each day. Christi provided daily encouragement as well as exercises that accelerated my cardio and gave me the perfect energy boost for the rest of the day!

    Paige O.
  • Christi is so encouraging! Always positive and available.

    Beth R.

This reset is designed to give you all the steps you need to boost your energy and be prepared for the upcoming season.


At no point in this three-week reset will you be alone! Throughout the program, you’ll be supported by me personally and helped with targeted materials that walk you through every step of the process:

fall detox guide on computer

An easy to reference guide that gives you the what, why, and how of every detoxing step necessary that’s easy to reference even after the three weeks are up.

Detoxing involves the environment and food, and this recipe guide offers you delicious, clean recipes that help get you through each meal while removing all those toxins.

pumpkin soup
woman grocery shopping

Fully planned out suggested meals, plus shopping lists give you all the details you need to build your own meals after the two-week detox is over.

Tracking your meals with a food diary allows you an outlet for sharing your feelings and recording your meals accurately.

food diary

Join Now to Access Your:

Reset Guide (Value $97)

Recipe Guide (Value $197)

Suggested Meals, plus shopping lists (Value $47)

Food Diary (Value $19)

Private Group Support (Value $499)

fall 2022 detox

That’s a combined value of $859, but 

you can start your detox early and save 50%!

Coach Christi
[ultimate_heading]Hi, I’m your coach, Christi[/ultimate_heading]

I’m a health coach specializing in Auto-Immune Wellness and Weight Loss. I studied Nutrition in college, and have always had a passion for food and living a healthy lifestyle through exercise and total body wellness.

After my experience living with a chronic autoimmune disorder, I’ve made it my mission to help women struggling with autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation, and digestive issues.

I know the advice and recipes I’ve created for you will help you take control of your health and your life!

Cheers to YOUR thriving health!