What could I possibly mean – Water as Medicine? Ever hear of the “Blue Mind”? Well there has been research done regarding the effects of being around water on people. It’s been found that people that live near water are happier and healthier. Research is based on living near water or being around water in general. I also will touch on the effects of drinking water and why it is so important to do.

First, I wanted to point out the benefits of being around water:

  • Sense of calm and peace (who couldn’t use that more right now?)
  • A decrease in stress and anxiety – ditto to my above comment.
  • It’s comforting, soothing and provides serenity.
  • Frees your mind to be more creative.
  • Less likely to check screens, social media. Simply gets you in the zone of taking in your environment, decompressing, and enjoying the current moment.
  • Gets you back to basics – the simple nature of life.

We as humans, are naturally pulled to water. This is because all the benefits it provides us – catch above bullet points. 😊 To bundle all of these great benefits in one phrase – water provides us restorative benefits.

Most people want to be near the water. And people are shelling out the big bucks to make it happen. Being by the water tacks on 116% premium on a property. Another way of looking at it – people are willing to pay upwards of 20% more for a waterfront hotel room. Heck – look at what it costs to take a 5 day trip to the Caribbean. We desire and want the “serenity now” feeling. And people are willing to invest extra to capture that “feeling”.

This “feeling” is difficult for most to describe but they certainly do like it, need it and willing to pay a lot of money to have it in their possession.

The ocean is certainly a fascinating body of water, isn’t it? One day it can offer the complete self-care one could ever need and the next day it can become a vicious killer. It’s a miraculous part of this Earth. It makes you wonder about the mirroring of our earth being comprised 70% water along with the human body – 70% water. Could this be part of our connection with water?

Sounds of the water take us away from the typical daily buzz of our chaotic society. It removes you from the stress and puts you in the peaceful present. The sound of water also provides better quality sleep – puts us in that relaxation state of mind. Whether you are oceanside, listening to the rain or playing it on a sound machine, it provides great benefits to sleep quality. Being close to water also promotes more creativity – who couldn’t use a dose of that??? It also invokes better quality conversations – like when walking on the beach with a spouse, friend or relative. Your mind is able to connect more with all that water surrounding you – you are able to take a conversation to a deeper level. You also have that 180 degree blue water space – helping you along the way.

You can still feel some of these effects simply by taking a shower or bath. I know I always feel more relaxed and centered after a nice shower or bath.

Quick Summary – Benefits of Being by Water

  • Breathing in Fresh Air
    • This increases your capacity to absorb more oxygen, helping you deal with stress better.
    • Enhances serotonin and alertness.
  • Strengthens Your Immune System
    • Breathing oxygen rich air helps decrease stress and promotes relaxation.
    • A stronger immune system helps fight disease, illness and chronic health conditions.
  • Better Quality Sleep
    • With a relaxed mind comes better quality sleep.
  • Improves White Blood Cell Count
    • When having the ability to relax more, our while blood cells get elevated – boosting immunity.
  • Ultimately Helps You to Relax
    • Who doesn’t want that?
  • Induces Happiness on a Whole Other Level
    • You can say it puts you in a meditative state and this is simply by looking at the water. It puts you in the “Blue State of Mind”.
    • Bonus: floods your brain with dopamine – your happiness hormone.

What about Benefits of Drinking Water?

The health benefits of drinking water are endless! We need water to survive but catch these benefits below to optimize your health.

  • Maximizes Physical Performance
  • Aids in Weight Loss
  • Improves Energy Levels & Brain Function
  • Prevents & Treats Headaches
  • Maintains Healthy Bowel Function
  • Treats and Prevents Kidney Stones
  • Helps Reduce Muscle Fatigue

Water on the inside and outside certainly can feel like the medicine your doctor ordered. Never take for granted the basic foundation of what your body needs to thrive.

Now go grab a glass of water!



What is holding you back from getting healthy? Is it all too overwhelming with the current climate of this crisis? My coaching advice to you – “Take it one day at a time”. As we are experiencing this crisis right now, your health is everything and without it, we have nothing.

Click Link Below for Free Coaching Video Series:

  1. Managing Stress During Coronavirus Pandemic
  2. How to Minimize Sugar And Improve Energy
  3. How to Boost Your Immune System & Combat Coronavirus
  4. Tips For Better Quality Sleep
  5. Beating Your Inner Resistance – Habit Change
  6. Reality of MS & Autoimmune Disease
  7. The State of Our Mental Health During the Covid Crisis
  8. Prevalence of Food Sensitivity & Determining If You Have One
  9. Tips & Tricks to Quarantine Weight Loss
  10. Going Into A Corona Summer
  11. Water as Medicine


ChristiHealthCoach.com Updates:

  • You can now save your “go to” recipes as FAVORITES. Easier to find!
  • Coming Soon:
    • Interactive Group Forum – Discuss varied topics including tips on removing inflammation, weight loss, gaining energy and much more!
      • Projected Launch Timeframe: Late June 2020
    • My First Ever Online Program: 8-Week Program – Stop Suffering with Inflammation and learn to eat the Anti-Inflammatory Way. All with the added benefit of shedding some weight, gaining more energy and getting a thriving life back!
      • Projected Launch Timeframe: June 2020

Oh, My Health, There Is Hope – is a book with many wonderful and inspiring stories about how people have taken their own personal health crisis and turned it into a positive. And “Yours Truly” is a co-author!!! Read it as a means of inspiration and direction in this challenging time we are all living in. Let the stories inspire you to make a difference in other’s lives because there is HOPE.

Click here for the Amazon Link and get your copy today.

If anything, think about why you want to be healthy and the driving force to help you stay on track. Own it and START SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF. Your future self will thank you!


Check out my recipes here – the list will continue to grow.

NEW FEATURE: Several recipes now include short instructional videos.

How is YOUR health? If you still aren’t sure where to start, schedule a time to talk with me.
Let me help you stay on track and meet your goals this 2020!
Visit https://christihealthcoach.com/contact/ to get started and schedule a consultation today!

Cheers To Your Health,

Coach Christi

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